You are in times of transition and transformation and change can be a challenge in more ways than you realized. In the middle of all this there are many offerings here to support you. Let life give you some love today. Remember you are doing the best you can with what you have in this moment. Give yourself a break. Thank you to each and every front line worker. You are holding down the fort for us. Thank you for caring about others more than they know. Thank you for those who give more than they get. Thank you for kindness and for those reaching out to the elderly, the hungry, the lonely and forgotten. Thank you for those supporting small business and trying to help them through this time. Thank you for rising up and being grateful for what you have, knowing things could be worse. It's OK if you are not comfortable with the unknown and feel an abundance of feelings during the course of a day. Allow yourself an opportunity to find the blessing, the opportunity, the purpose and accept the offerings that come to help you with change. Time is our most precious commodity and you will grow by impacting loving solutions into your life and lives of others. Focus forward on the thoughts and people that inspire you and make you happy. Embrace courage to accept how things unfold. Your life is meant hold purpose. As you face challenges, remember you are here for a reason. You are a unique, one of kind, special human being. Thank you for being you.
Let life love you today!