Hello and welcome friends! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about myself (Muriel) and my business (MPower Solutions). A little bit about me: I grew up in a small northern community called Elliot Lake in Ontario. I've been married for over 33 years to my best friend and LOML (Love of my life) Dan. Together we have raised two wonderful boys and currently live with our fur babies; Mollie and Coco!
I also wanted to give you a little bit of information so you know what you can expect from MPower Solutions. I started this company in 2019 because I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals, become empowered and authentic communicators, and enjoy healthy relationships. I focus on 4 core areas that I have spent the better part of my life researching and perfecting to help you utilize in your own career, life and relationships. I lovingly refer to this method as "Discovering the C.O.D.E" which is an abbreviation of the 4 key pillars to my program: COMMUNICATION, OPTIMISM, DECISION MAKING, and EMPOWERMENT. Below is a summary of each area to give you a broad overview. Depending on what your goals are as an individual or company I can create a personal and strategic program just for you. Please continue to read below and get an idea about the CODE, and how it can be implemented in your own life!
Communication: You are born an authentic communicator.
As a baby, when we were hungry we cried. As a child, we played with others without judgment. Creativity was natural. As our attitudes, values and beliefs developed so did our habits and patterns. These learned behaviours will strongly influence the way we communicate.
Through the CODE you will remember the voice within; becoming the powerful, authentic communicator that you were born to be.
Optimism: You were designed to discover solutions and not to live in the problem.
You are the call for hope in action. By changing your thoughts and focus, YOU can create desired results in your life. When you choose optimism you can live in gratitude and celebration of a life well lived.
Through the CODE you will learn to reprogram old messages and replace them with new.
Decision Making: Your future is a creation of the decisions you choose today.
When you make an empowered decision you add value to your life and the life of others. Reflection, responsibility, accountability and being able to embrace your authentic power in any given moment will strengthen your success.
Through the CODE you will learn how to deliver a great decision embraced in courage and clarity.
Empowerment: When you choose to own your truth you become open, transparent and powerful.
In any given moment you can stand in your space and feel the energy of expansive potential and the joy of living. You trust and allow your best life to manifest and are open to infinite possibilities.
Through the CODE you will uncover priceless knowledge with the opportunity to add a fabulous new chapter to your life story.
Thank you for being here today!
-Muriel xo